The Karnataka Government has decided to go on Polls on March 28th for the BBMP Election as per directive from high Court. As per the State Election Commission, the
BBMP Election will start on March on 28th and counting of votes will be on April 5th.
There may be one more roadblock for the Government as the March 28th is Mahavir Jayanthi one of the biggest festivals of Jain Community. They have filed a petition with State Election Commission to reconsider the date.
The BBMP Election schedule according to the SEC for the BBMP Election is:
Election Schedule | Date |
Notification by BBMP Commissioner | March 8th |
Last Date for Filling Nominations | March 15th |
Scrutiny of Nominations | March 17th |
Last Date for withdrawal of Nominations | March 19th |
Date of Polling | March 28th |
If Re-polling needed | April 4th |
Counting of Votes | April 5th |
Date before process completion | April 6th |
Code of Condut | March 3 - April 6th |
Very important to follow the results to know the popularity of BJP government at the state.
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